Welcome to your happy place! Here you will hundreds of videos from our four previous virtual learning conferences for your use in (and out) of the classroom. Videos are labeled for intended audience and can be filtered to find just what you need.

A Course-Based Model for a Student Help Desk (Halifax)
Halifax County Public Schools developed a course-based approach to prepare students for serving on... more >>

John Ross and Tiffany Taylor

Social Studies, Music
A Short History of Beach Music and the "5" Royales
A signature style of North Carolina music and culture, beach music originated in the years just... more >>

David Menconi

A Ukulele Primer
In the past 10 years, the Ukulele has become the fastest and most sold instrument in the country.... more >>

Marcy Marxer

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Accessibility and EC Support in Blended and Online Classrooms
How do we support the unique needs of diverse learners in blended and online classrooms? More... more >>

Dr. Mary Keel and Dr. Chris Smith

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Accessibility on Chromebooks and using G Suite with Special Education Students
Explore features to customize your students' Chromebooks... more >>

Kern Kelley

Adaptability and Communication in a Changing World
This session is designed to empower teachers with resources and best practices for teaching... more >>

Vicki Anderson

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Addressing Self Care & Morale for Educators
Having gone through family trauma myself, I have learned how important self care is. Self care... more >>

Dr. Natasha Rachell

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Addressing the Needs of Exceptional Learners (In the Regular Classroom)
Students are all different. That is what makes students unique and interesting human beings. This... more >>

Ed Doughtery

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Advanced Canvas
In this session we'll take a deeper look at Canvas as a learning management system (LMS). Teachers... more >>

Vicki Anderson

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Advanced Google Classroom
Learn more advanced features of Google Classroom to utilize this tool to its greatest capability.... more >>

Kim Pollishuke

Music, Dance, Theater, STEM
Alexander Technique Workshop for Middle and High School Teachers and Students (90-minute session)
Middle/high school teachers and students are invited to join North Carolina Symphony hornist Rachel... more >>

Rachel Niketopoulos

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Apoyando el bienestar mental y a la vida familiar durante COVID-19 - Spanish
Las familias aprenderán estrategias de bienestar mental para hacer frente a Covid19.... more >>

Dr. MariaRosa Rangel and Rocio Anderson

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Applying Structured TEACCHing Principles to Virtual Learning Environments
This session will provide families with a brief overview of use of Structured TEACCHing to meet the... more >>

Bonnie Ravo

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater
Arts Integration
This session will help educators gain confidence in supporting the NC Essential Standards for the... more >>

Sayward Grindley & Brandon Roeder

Social Studies, ELA, Art, STEM
Arts Integration Strategies: Concept Mapping
The North Carolina Museum of Art (NCMA) presents a series of arts integration strategy videos for... more >>


Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Assessment Best Practices and General Grading for Remote Learning
Assessments are not just about grades; it’s about learning.... more >>

Ed Doughtery

Beauty and Joy of Computing - AP CSP and More!
Come learn the Beauty and Joy of Computing! We will cover the new 2020 curriculum updates, new... more >>

Marnie Hill

Being a Good Noticer: The Vital Skill We Neither Practice nor Teach
What's the wind like today? How close is the moon to being full? What creek does the stormwater... more >>

Scott Huler

Music, Dance, Art
Best Practices Teaching Dance Remotely
This session is intended for k-12 dance teachers. It will explore teaching practices while teaching... more >>

Bianca Boner

Biotech: Genetics and Inventions
We will have an overview of Biogen and biotechnology then we will discuss how genetics and... more >>

Alex Cameron

Biotech: Parkinson's Disease Labster
We will participate in a virtual lab simulation showing a life-like experience of working in a... more >>

Alex Cameron

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Bitmoji Interactive Lessons in Google Slides
Learn how to create an interactive virtual classroom for remote learning instruction with the use... more >>

Christine Mitchell and Natalie Mercer

Social Studies, STEM
Black Water River
Learn about the unique Lumber River with Ranger Sean and Brandon at Lumber River State Park!... more >>

Ranger Sean and Brandon

Book Creator: Students Can Create and Publish Their Own Books
Exploring the power packed into Book Creator both on the PC and iPad/Tablets.... more >>

Stephen Stokes

Social Studies, ELA
Bringing the WORLD into the CLASSROOM
Are funds and timing for field trips limited? Ready to increase both your learners’ and your own... more >>

Kimberly Perry-Sanderlin

Social Studies, ELA
Broadcast Journalism: What We Do, and Where We're Going
This session will cover some of the nuts and bolts of broadcast journalism, and discuss what future... more >>

Lynn C. Owens

Music, Dance, STEM
Building Resilience in Children Through Dance and Music
This session will be geared toward educators, and it will focus on showcasing the engaging teaching... more >>

Marlon Torres

Building Your Brand: Lessons To Make An Internship Last
Cody shares lessons we have learned (and who we learned them from) in our journey to building a... more >>

Cody Holt

CTO Roundtable
Join leadership of NC’s student connectivity efforts to discuss ongoing student concerns, share... more >>

Mary Penny Kelley, Executive Director, Hometown Strong; Caroline Sullivan, Executive Director, NCBCE

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Canvas 101
Join us to learn the basic features of Canvas... more >>

Chris Beneck

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Canvas: Tips, Tricks and Timesavers
In this session we will present a variety of tips, tricks, and timesavers for educators who use the... more >>

Dr. Chris Smith and Kim Holt

Careers in Tech: Now and Future
Join a discussion on current and future career opportunities in tech.... more >>

Morgan, NCBCE; Wayne Washington, Cummins; Mark Dibemedetto, Dell Technologies; Patty Hager, Lenovo; and Thomas Parrish, NCDIT

Music, Dance
Carolina Ballet Double Session: The Nutcracker & How Do You Dance? (Day 1 of 2)
Hear from Carolina Ballet's Artistic Director, Zalman Raffael, as he describes what it means to... more >>

Zalman Raffael, Michele Weathers, Lauren Youngman, Heather Pike

Music, Dance
Carolina Ballet Double Session: The Nutcracker & How Do You Dance? (Day 2 of 2)
Hear from Carolina Ballet's Artistic Director, Zalman Raffael, as he describes what it means to... more >>

Zalman Raffael, Michele Weathers, Lauren Youngman, Heather Pike

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Centering Student Equity & Accessibility in Online Learning
This interactive presentation demonstrates and discusses digital tools, techniques, and... more >>

Dr. Chris Smith, Dr. Erin Berry- McCrea, Kim Holt

Dance, Theater
Charlotte Ballet II Performance & Q&A
Join Charlotte Ballet II as they venture into a wonderful bus ride celebrating people of all... more >>

Bianca Bonner

Citizen Science In (and Out) of the Classroom
Citizen Science is the involvement of the public in scientific research - whether community-driven... more >>

Jason Painter and Rachael Polmanteer

Citizen Science, Plastic Pollution & Water Quality
Over the past three years, the Duke University Marine Lab and UNC’s Institute for Coastal Studies... more >>

Liz Demattia

Class in the Cloud: Skills & Certifications for the Future of Work
Cat discusses data and trends on how technology is changing the needs of our workforce & why it is... more >>

Cat Stolar

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Classroom to Career: NC Business Committee for Education Work-Based Learning Initiatives
Participants will learn about NCBCE’s exciting work-based learning opportunities... more >>

Kiya Edwards

“Cloudy with a Chance for Python”
In this session, Python Programming, Cyber Security, and Cloud Computing converge to create an... more >>

Jeffries Epps, Stemerald City; Zachary Parisher, Edgecombe County Schools

College Applications and Financial Aid
A brief overview and timeline of the college application and financial aid process and what they... more >>

Kiera Lindner

Music, Dance
Contemporary Modern
This class fuses modern codification with contemporary methods including floorwork, centering... more >>

Audrey Ipapo Baran

Creating Kinetic Sculptures
Educator Kristin Smith demonstrates how to lead an activity for students creating kinetic... more >>

Kristin Smith

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Creating Self-Paced-Blended Lessons for Students
One of the biggest challenges with blended learning is designing lessons that will transition... more >>

Knikole Taylor

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Cultural Arts LIVE Conference Highlights
Check out this highlight video for the 2020 Cultural Arts LIVE Conference - two packed days of... more >>

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Cultural Arts Live Conference Opening
An introduction to the Cultural Arts LIVE Conference with NCBCE Executive Director Caroline... more >>

Caroline Sullivan, Rosalia Torres-Weiner

Social Studies
Currituck Beach Lighthouse - Illuminating the One Unlighted Break from Maine to Florida
Learn primary sources (quotes/images) about the construction, history, and purpose of the Currituck... more >>

Meghan Agresto

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Cómo navegar las diferentes plataformas virtuales que los niños están utilizando en la escuela. - Spanish
Los padres entenderán como navegar las diferentes plataformas que sus hijos están utilizando para... more >>

MariaRosa Rangel

Data Science: Careers and STEM Classroom Excursions
Get ready to learn about the exciting field of data science and what you can do in your STEM... more >>

Hollylynne Lee & Gemma Mojica

Social Studies
Day in the Life of a Colonial Kid
Join Hope at Historic Bath to see how kids worked and played in the 18th century! ... more >>

Hope and Laura

Design Thinking Instruction as a Framework
How design thinking can be used as a framework for project based learning and instructional design.... more >>

Nate Myers

Social Studies, ELA, Art
Digital Copyright and Fair Use in Arts and Humanities
As educators, we want to design digital content that enlightens, educations, and engages learners.... more >>

Dr. Chris Smith

Digital Development: Big Data & Education Data Mining
We live in an era where there has never been so much data available to us. How do we make use of it... more >>

Scott Ragan

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Digital Literacy for Guardians of K-12 Students
Digital literacy is the ability to use technology to find trustworthy information, communicate, and... more >>

Abigail Waldrupe

Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Digital Media & Performing Arts
This session will highlight an actual classroom experience from a teacher in middle school CTE.... more >>

Melissa King

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Digital Tools to Support Distance Learning Lesson Plans
Build your distance learning toolbox with specific digital tools that will increase student... more >>

Joseph Hayes and Kevin Roberts

Music, Dance, STEM
Dynamic Dino Movement with the Bird
This is a workshop about movement and dynamics with am emphasis on listening, scale, musicality and... more >>

Ronnie West

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
EdPuzzle: Actively Engaging Students with Videos
Learn how EdPuzzle can transform teacher made videos or online videos into an assessment to gauge... more >>

Hazel Lewis

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Education in Sync with NearPod
Nearpod: Create, Engage, Explore. ... more >>

Jennifer Erixon

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Engagement Strategies for Flipped and Blended Learning
In this interactive session, participants will learn several strategies for increasing student... more >>

Stacy Lovdahl, Mollee Holloman & Chris Beneck

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Equitable Remote Education Considerations for Students with Disabilities
Considerations for ensuring equity and accessibility remote learning options for students with... more >>

Cayce Favasuli & Crystal Patrick

Eyes to the Skies: Hurricanes, Weather, and How to Become a Meteorologist
Discussing meteorology, its applications to hurricanes and hurricane forecasting, and how to become... more >>

Elliot Tardif, Heather Wylie & Bradley McLamb

Social Studies, STEM
Fibers of the Backcountry - Virtual Fieldtrip with the President James K. Polk State Historic Site
Teachers and students are invited to join us to get a sample of what our virtual field trips are... more >>

Kate Moore

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Finding and Using Open Education Resources with #GoOpenNC
Learn how to use North Carolina's Free Open Educational Resources (OER) Platform - #GoOpenNC!... more >>

Pam Batchelor

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Finding the Leader in You
Participants will explore avenues of communication while creating strategies to maximize their... more >>

Rhonda Holmes and Jeffrey O. Roberts

Social Studies, ELA
First Draft of History: Covering Your Community in Unusual Times
The move to online learning forced both professional and student journalists to adapt to new tools... more >>

Marti Maquire & Jenni Ciesielski

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Flea Market Flipping for Remote Learning
Ever had something intended for one thing but better served being used for something else?... more >>

Abbey Futrell

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Flipping Your Classroom with Flipgrid
How can we create engaging, dynamic classroom learning online? Learn how to repackage your already... more >>

Cate Talnai

Forces in Motion at Falls Lake State Park
Join Brandon and Ranger Crystal as they explore how forces in motion can be used during some of... more >>

Brandon and Ranger Crystal

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Fun Times at Virtual High
Strategies to provide social opportunities for students that are virtual or hybrid, at all age... more >>

Mollee Holloman, Chris Beneck and Stacy Lovdahl

Fun, Hands-On Science For All Students, All Classrooms!
Come learn about the Center for Inquiry-Based Learning's Student Activity Packs! Providing... more >>

Todd Guentensberger and Rachael Polmanteer

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
G Suite Lesson Design for Little Learners
... more >>

Sean WIlliams

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
G Suite: Drive, Docs and Slides
... more >>

Eric Cross

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
G Suite: Forms and Sheets
... more >>

Eric Cross

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
G Suite: Google Classroom
... more >>

Eric Cross

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
G Suite: Google Classroom + Meet
... more >>

Eric Cross

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
G Suite: Lesson Design for Google Classroom
... more >>

Eric Cross

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
G Suite: Slides and Jamboard for Engaging Content and Creation
... more >>

Sean Williams

GSuite for STEM
Google apps offer a powerful selection of tools for science educators and students.... more >>

Eric Cross

Gallery Tour: Greater Than or Equal To (All)
The title of my exhibition is symbolic. In Mathematics, inequality symbols are a shorthand notation... more >>

Maya Freelon

Music, Dance
Get Into the Grooves
An energetic dance class focused on getting everyone moving and groovin!!... more >>

Joe-Joe Grooves

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Getting Started with #GoOpenNC
Join us to discover #GoOpenNC... more >>

Jill Darrough

Getting to the ROOT of It... in 5 minutes a day!
Any skilled educator will admit to the power of word study within the classroom. But where does... more >>

Kimberly Perry-Sanderlin

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Google Chrome Add Ons and Extensions for Distance Learning
Explore a variety of apps, add-ons, and extensions to make teaching more efficient... more >>

Kern Kelley

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Google Classroom Tips and Tricks - Intermediate to Advanced
Now that you've been using Google Classroom for a while and are comfortable with all the basic... more >>

Kim Pollishuke

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Google Classroom for Primary Learners
... more >>

Sean Williams

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Google Extensions for Educators
What if I told you that your Chrome Browser was more than what you see?... more >>

Cat Flippen

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Google Meets Tips Tricks & New Features for Intermediate to Advanced Level
Google Meet has come a long way in the past couple of months. Let's explore all its new features... more >>

Kim Pollishuke

Google Sheets for Data Analysis and More
Learn to use basic functions in Google Sheets for creating graphs and streamlining data analysis.... more >>

Vicki Anderson

Hands-On ELA Activities for Remote Learning
The internet is filled with great tools to support your remote learners and provide voice and... more >>

Ed Dougherty

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
How to Build a Strong & Engaged Classroom Community
You want the virtual experience to be as valuable as the face to face one, but how do you get... more >>

Eric Cross

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
How to use Video to Deliver Meaningful Virtual Instruction
This one is for the teacher that already knows how to create video, but needs to know how to... more >>

George Barcenas

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
HyperDocs: Streamlining the Lesson Planning Process
Learn to transition easily from face-to-face learning to virtual education... more >>

Kern Kelly

Music, Theater
"I Will Be Brave" - Statewide Virtual Choir/Meet the Composer
Meet composer Sally K. Albrecht and work with her on her new composition "I Will Be Brave." Sally... more >>

Sally Albrecht

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Ideas to Motivate Students During Virtual Learning (especially those with no support at home)
Ideas to motivate students during virtual learning (especially those who have no support at home)... more >>

David Futch

Social Studies, ELA
Identifying Bias and Misinformation in Resources
Helping students navigate social media an online resources is a daunting but important task. This... more >>

Jason Carter

Social Studies, ELA
Identifying Bias and Misinformation in Resources
Helping students navigate social media an online resources is a daunting but important task. This... more >>

Jason Carter

Ignite Curiosity in STEM Fields
Information regarding the importance of early exposure to STEM careers and fields of study will be... more >>

Jamie Chanter

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Intermediate Canvas
In this session we'll take a deeper look at Canvas as a learning management system (LMS). Teachers... more >>

Vicki Anderson

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Introduction to NCLearn
This video is an introduction to the NCLearn webpages which includes a searchable database. NCLearn... more >>

Jason Diem

Music, STEM
Introduction to Soundtrap (Educator PD)
Soundtrap and NC educators have joined forces to introduce you to a tool that will transform your... more >>

LaFouji Alexander

Music, STEM
Introduction to Soundtrap (Students included)
Soundtrap and NC educators have joined forces to introduce you to a tool that will transform your... more >>

LaFouji Alexander

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Keep 'Em Moving In The Virtual Environment: Brain Breaks Do The Body Good
Learn the importance of including brain breaks into your lessons both in person and in the virtual... more >>

Chris Beneck

Social Studies
Kitchens and Cookbooks: More Than Just Food
When you think of historic cookbooks and old-fashioned kitchens, images of fires, roasting meat,... more >>

Matt Arthur

¡La universidad es posible! College is Possible! - Spanish
Los padres aprenderán que no es demasiado tarde para comenzar a planear la universidad. Los padres... more >>

MariaRosa Rangel

Learn Through Play
Learn how Play connects across various models and resources... more >>

David Conover

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Learning Doesn't Have to Be Live
As teachers, we're used to being live and in person with our students, but we've had to get... more >>

Samantha Rouse

Learning Through Movement: Mind, Body and Knowledge
"North Carolina Arts in Action (NC AIA) invites students of all abilities in grades 3-5 to... more >>

Marlon Torres, Tiana Sutton, Suzi Landis, and Julie Bradley

Music, Dance
Learning in Motion for EveryBODY!
Come move and dance with us in a fun and interactive class for students of ALL abilities! We will... more >>

Heather Pike

Let's Doctor it Up! The DRJD Strategy: A Strategic Guide to Developing Critical Thinking Skills While Living with ACES
As educators, we have been charged with growing students from all walks of life. As they enter the... more >>

Michelle Harris Jefferson

Let's Get Creative with Personal Finance!
This interactive session focuses on ways to effectively incorporate personal finance concepts into... more >>

Amber Thomas

Longleaf Pine Forests
How much do you know about North Carolina's state tree?... more >>

Brandon and Ranger Nancy

Make your own therapy buddy!
Teachers and/or parents will learn how to make a soft, warm, weighted “buddy” that can help... more >>

Jess Vanhook

Making Elementary Math Visible, Virtually!
When working in a virtual learning environment, one challenge is that we can't always SEE what's... more >>

Susan Stewart

Making the Invisible Visible: Air Quality Tools and Technology for Educators
Air and electricity are both invisible, both are vital, and both can only be measure with... more >>

Annie Lee & Keith Bamberger

Maps, Movies and Multi-Player Games: Collaborative Environment to Make CS More Engaging
The session will introduce the tool and demonstrate a few simple yet highly engaging applications... more >>

Akos Ledeczi

Social Studies
Meet the Showboat: A Virtual Tour of Battleship North Carolina
Join Battleship volunteer and retired 2nd grade teacher Commander Chuck Gore, USN, Retired, on a... more >>

Chuck Gore

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Mental Health Support for Parents of Teens
How Do I Know If My Teen's Emotions and Experiences are Normal?... more >>

Danielle Lungelow

Dance, Theater
Mindfulness to Re-center and Re-new (For educators)
When we get anxious, overwhelmed, or mentally fatigued, we lose the ability to effectively process... more >>

Alyson Colwell-Waber

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Mindfulness-Based Social Emotional Learning (MBSEL)
Foundation for mental, physical and academic wellness for students, teachers and families.... more >>

Laurie Grossman

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Museum Learning Opportunities for Teachers and Students
Learning opportunities from museums across the state... more >>

Carly Apple, Hardin Engelhardt, Michelle Harrell, Jessica Pratt, & Laura Speer

Music, Theater
NC Collegiate Choral Opportunities
Panel discussion about North Carolina collegiate choral opportunities, and all things related. Led... more >>

Anne Saxon

NC Division of Water Resources: Make a Splash in your Classroom with Surface Water and Groundwater
This session will provide an overview of various resources available through NC Division of Water... more >>

Lauren Daniel

Social Studies
NC State Capitol Virtual Tour
Explore the North Carolina State Capitol and learn plenty of fun facts about the building while... more >>

Terra Schramm

Music, Art
NC Symphony Beethoven String Quartet
Learn about one of the most famous musical composers...Beethoven! A string quartet from the North... more >>

NC Symphony String Quartet

NC Symphony Musicians Perform Live for MS and HS with Musician Q and A
North Carolina Symphony musicians perform chamber music and engage in a Q&A with students and... more >>

Jason Spencer

NC Symphony String Quartet Performance for K-5 Students and Teachers
The North Carolina Symphony String Quartet presents a fun and engaging program for elementary... more >>

Jason Spencer

Social Studies, STEM
NCBCE Ready, Set, App! Full Competition
Students go head-to-head as they present their innovative app ideas to the Ready, Set, App! judges.... more >>

Michael Denning

Social Studies, Music
Native Musicians: Entertaining in Plain Sight
Do you have a “favorite” Indigenous musician? If so, in what way(s) have you supported... more >>

Charly Lowry & Aaron Locklear

Social Studies
Navigating North Carolina History: Online Research Sources, Activities, and Tools for Educators
Are you looking for online primary sources to complement your North Carolina history classroom... more >>

Jennifer Hanft

Social Studies, STEM
Navigating the Lumber River
Take a canoe trip down the Lumber River with Ranger Sean and Brandon at Lumber River State Park!... more >>

Brandon and Ranger Sean

Music, Dance, Art, Theater
North Carolina Collegiate Dance/Theatre Panel
Are you wondering if you want to pursue the performing arts somehow in college? This session will... more >>

Sayward Grindley

Social Studies
North Carolina Labor History Through Tobacco
North Carolina's labor history has long been connected to tobacco. In this virtual program, a... more >>

Margaret Butler

North Carolina Seashells
Have you ever explored the beach and found a seashell? ... more >>

Emily and Christine

One Small Step-One Giant Leap: Bringing Space to Your Classroom
Jim will discuss programs and materials available through the Aldrin Family Foundation and partner... more >>

Jim Christensen

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Partnering with Public Libraries for Student Success
Learn how to partner with public libraries to bridge the digital gap.... more >>

Abigail Waldrupe

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Partnering with Your School to Promote a Positive Online Experience
Guiding children and teens through remote instruction can be daunting. Technology, curriculum,... more >>

Crystal Pullen and Darlene Schaefer

Pathway to Student Certifications and Future Employability
This session will discuss how Dell partners with school districts to support future employability... more >>

Kendall Latham; Jeff Fink, Regional Alliance Manager & Team Lead at Boomi

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Pear Deck and Google Slides to Enhance the Distance Learning Classroom
Incorporate Pear Deck into Google Slides to create a more powerful classroom tool... more >>

Kern Kelley

Planet Fashion
The fashion industry has brought trendy apparel to consumers at most every price point. In the... more >>

Dr. Diane Ellis

Plant Adaptations
Something that makes Carolina Beach state park special is plants with some unusual adaptations.... more >>

Brandon and Ranger Jesse

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Power Up Learning with Formative!
Let's explore the "power" of Formative to increase students engagement, view real-time student... more >>

Julene Reed

Prescribed Burns at Carolina Beach State Park
Join Brandon and Ranger Jesse at Carolina Beach State Park to learn more about the importance of... more >>

Brandon and Ranger Jesse

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
REAL Conference Opening Session
Hear Governor Cooper’s remarks on the importance of supporting educators with remote learning... more >>

Governor Roy Cooper; Lilyn Hester; Mary Hemphill, Ph.D.

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
REAL, REAL 2.0 & STEM Connect Conference Highlights
Check out this highlight video for the 2020 REAL, REAL 2.0 & STEM Connect Conferences which... more >>

Social Studies, STEM
Ready, Set, App! Final Pitch: College Atlas
College Atlas is a college exploration app that allows students to easily navigate through college... more >>

Jonathan Rogers, Jamari Gift, Pranathi Gorty, Riley Presnell, Nick Lari, Toni Hall (Team Advisor)

Social Studies, STEM
Ready, Set, App! Final Pitch: ConnecTeen
ConnecTeen aims to mitigate the negative effects that the online schooling environment created such... more >>

Andrea Basuroski, Andrea Wang, Darya Loiko

Social Studies, STEM
Ready, Set, App! Final Pitch: GoCompost
The GoCompost app promotes composting as an actionable solution to today’s food waste crisis.... more >>

Bo Chi, Ben Li, Yichen Sun, Yikuan Sun

Social Studies, STEM
Ready, Set, App! Final Pitch: GoRecycle
GoRecycle is an innovative app that demonstrates a more nuanced way of efficient recycling.... more >>

Shalaka Vidwans, Ben Luis, Tejas Vidwans

Social Studies, STEM
Ready, Set, App! Final Pitch: Pantry Patrol
Pantry Patrol is a versatile app that simplifies the daily operations of food pantries, with a... more >>

Siddharth Maruvada, Abhinav Meduri, Arnav Meduri

Social Studies, STEM
Ready, Set, App! Final Pitch: Ready, Set, Route!
"Ready, Set, Route!" is an app that serves as a communication tool for bus drivers, students, and... more >>

Broderick Purvis, Oscar Pereyda, Eleazar Yisrael, Laurel Currie

Ready, Set, App! Kickoff - Mobile App Development Competition for High School Students
Ready, Set, App! challenges high school students to develop a mobile app to solve a problem in... more >>

Kiya Edwards

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Remote Learning: Supporting and Teaching Students with ASD
In this session, we will discuss strategies to increase engagement in remote learning activities... more >>

Jenny Eigenrauch

Remote Resources for Choirs
Explore choral resources designed specifically to address this era of online education. Whether... more >>

Andy Beck

Research and Writing in the Digital Age
Research writing is an essential skill for any area of study. In this session, we will examine the... more >>

Vicki Anderson

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Resources for Struggling Students
This session will provide best practices and resources to help teachers support students who are... more >>

Vicki Anderson

Social Studies, Music, Dance, Theater
Ring Shout traditions: History, dance, and music
Ring Shout traditions explores the history, movements/gestures/dances, songs, rhythms, context,... more >>

Tamara Williams

Music, STEM
Rock Cycle: Sound Sculpture
We will use vocal sounds to create a sound sculpture using the science based facts of the Earth's... more >>

Nnenna Freelon

Rock Formations at Stone Mountain State Park
Learn about some of North Carolina's unique geological features and the stories that rocks tell.... more >>

Emily and Ranger Randy

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
SEL Virtually: Increasing Classroom Climate & Culture
This presentation will share what research says about the links between SEL and academic success.... more >>

Melissa King

STEAM Course Construction for School- High School
Why STEAM? Why use the Manufacturing by Application of Knowledge through Effort and... more >>

Keith Kelley

STEAM Course Setup for School - Middle School
Why STEAM? Why use the Manufacturing by Application of Knowledge through Effort and... more >>

Keith Kelley

STEAM Prototype and Design for School
Why STEAM? Why use the Manufacturing by Application of Knowledge through Effort and... more >>

Keith Kelley

Science at Home: Backyard Navigation
Getting lost in the wilderness is a frightening thought. Learn how to use the sun and the shadow... more >>

NC Museum of Natural Sciences

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Join us and learn how to be a "Master Screencaster"... more >>

Donna Currie and Cara Patterson

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Seesaw Activities: Creating Activities Today for Tomorrow’s Lesson
Our K-5 students are so much more capable and fit for creating with technology than many of us... more >>

Cate Tolnai

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Seesaw in Action
Introduction to the digital platform, Seesaw... more >>

Heather Hall, Bridget Horn, Selena Kurfees, & Brittney Payne

Music, Dance, Art
Shaping Sounds, presented by the North Carolina Youth Tap Ensemble
The North Carolina Youth Tap Ensemble's "Shaping Sounds" is a 60-minute percussive showcase and... more >>

Caroline Vance

1 State 1 Score Workshop for K-12 Music Educators and Students
The North Carolina Symphony’s new '1 State 1 Score' initiative will bring together students and... more >>

Jason Spencer

Stop Motion Animation
Don't Litter! A stop-motion animation collaboration between Blackspace, Scrap Exchange and the City... more >>

Pierce Freelon

Student-Led Help Desk: Empowering Students and Supporting District IT Staff
In North Carolina, and most other states, tens of thousands of students are now learning remotely,... more >>

John Ross, Dr. Alfreda Smith, Tiffany Taylor, Eric Cunningham, Frankie Jackson

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Supporting the Social and Emotional Wellness of Children and Families During COVID
We are all facing stressful circumstances never encountered before in family life. The ripple... more >>

Dr. Emily King

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Teach Virtually like a PRO
Leverage technology to teach in a virtual environment... more >>

Deepak Sharma

Dance, STEM
Teaching Environmental Literacy through Dance
Dance is an effect means to teach S.T.E.A.M. concepts. Educators will learn how to reach fine art... more >>

Jayme Klinger Host

Teaching Intro to HTML with Awesome Table Across Content Areas
HTML is the language of the web, and educators with even just a little familiarity with the... more >>

Randy Fairfield

Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Teaching NC Arts Project
Created through a partnership with the North Carolina Arts Council, this resource is for NC... more >>

Sayward Grindley & Brandon Roeder

Teaching with Games: A Closer Look at RoboCo
Learn about game-based learning and how you can incorporate games into teaching plans.... more >>

Dan White

Teaching with Games: Award winning 3D game + teacher support materials
Spike your students' engagement using Sci-Ops with our comprehensive teacher support materials.... more >>

Hunter Moore & Rose Roberts

Teaching with Games: Epic Games in Education
Learn what Epic is doing in the education space and experience Q&A town hall style to learn what... more >>

Lisa Tenorio and Linda Sellheim

Social Studies
The "People's House?" Looking at Slavery, Race, & Power in the North Carolina State Capitol
Join the North Carolina State Capitol for a virtual program. The State Capitol is the active... more >>

Kara Deadmon

Social Studies, Music
The Beast presents Sankofa
African-American Music from Spirituals to Hip Hop... more >>

Pierce Freelon

Social Studies
The CSS Neuse and the Civil War in Eastern North Carolina
Join the CSS Neuse Civil War Interpretive Center’s staff in a virtual field trip to learn about... more >>

Matthew Young

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
The Multiplayer Classroom
Need a sturdy skeleton for a rethinking of your classroom content delivery? Consider building a... more >>

Phaedra Boinodiris

The Red Cockaded Woodpecker
Tap, tap, tap….do you ever hear those sounds coming from the treetops?... more >>

Brandon and Ranger Nancy

The Remote Pilot Supplemental STEM Activity for Education
The Remote Pilot Supplemental STEM Activity is designed to expose students to the fundamentals of... more >>

Jeffries Epps

Social Studies, ELA
The Story of Author Thomas Wolfe: Writing Home
Join the Thomas Wolfe Memorial State Historic Site’s virtual program to learn about the life of... more >>

Tom Muir

Social Studies, Music, Theater
The Virtual Staging of "A Woman Called Truth" - The Journey, History and Impact of Sojourner Truth
Participants will actively participate in investigating the artistic and historical impact,... more >>

Patch Clark

The World Needs All the Different Kinds of Minds - Dr. Temple Grandin
Discuss how people may be visual thinkers, mathematical pattern thinkers, or word thinkers. These... more >>

Temple Grandin

Social Studies, Music
This Land Is Your Land -The Song, Its History and Woody Guthrie
This alternate national anthem was written by Woody Guthrie as a response to Irving Berlin’s... more >>

Cathy Fink

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Tips & Tricks for Parents during Online Learning
Schooling during the pandemic has been a learning curve- not just for students and educators, but... more >>

Kimberly Perry-Sanderlin & Callie Luker

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Unleashing Student Creativity with Google Slides Audio-Video-Images And Hyperlinks
In this session, we will explore how to engage students using multimedia and Google Slides. Join us... more >>

Mari Venturino

Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
Videos: Tools, Tips and Techniques for Using Videos with Remote Learning
Create professional looking video with free tools and tips/tricks that will keep viewers engaged... more >>

Steve Stokes

Virtual Field Trip to NCMA
Experience a virtual field trip live from the North Carolina Museum of Art using strategies to... more >>

Michelle Harrell & Chelsea Brown

Social Studies
Virtual Field Trips through France
Let's explore the beautiful city of Paris and some surrounding areas in France, without leaving... more >>

Alexa Haselhorst

Social Studies, Art, STEM
Virtual Learning Resources for Teachers and Students
Discover unique virtual learning resources available from the North Carolina Museum of Art, North... more >>

Alexander "Alex" Brown, Jill Taylor, Jessica Pratt

Virtual STEAM: Hands-On Learning at Home
Learn how to design STEAM lessons around common household objects... more >>

Joseph Hayes and Kevin Roberts

Virtual School Programs at the NC Zoo
Join School Programs Coordinator Leslie at the NC Zoo to learn more about what live and prerecorded... more >>


We Came In Peace for All Mankind – The Apollo Visitor Complex Project
How can you use the topic of space to engage and inspire your students?... more >>

Dr. Andrew Aldrin, Jim Christensen, & Dr. Jack McLaughlin

Social Studies, Music, Dance
West African dance movement and music is needed today
Sherone Price will be teaching a dance class using African drumming music by Khalid Saleem to show... more >>

Sherone Price

Dance, STEM
What Moves You? An Invitation to be Moved by the Wondrous World around Us
According to new research, the ability to dance may have been a factor in survival for our... more >>

Michelle Pearson

What We Keep Keeps Us (10-12 High)
Workshop participants will introduce themselves via something special that they keep, showcasing... more >>

Jaki Shelton Green

ELA, Art, Theater
What We Keep Keeps Us 4-5 Elementary
Workshop participants will introduce themselves via something special that they keep, showcasing... more >>

Jaki Shelton Green

ELA, Art
What We Keep Keeps Us (6-7 Middle)
Workshop participants will introduce themselves via something special that they keep, showcasing... more >>

Jaki Shelton Green

What We Keep Keeps Us 8-9 Middle High
Workshop participants will introduce themselves via something special that they keep. The writing... more >>

Jaki Shelton Green

Social Studies
Writing Letters
Join Lauren to learn more about the art of letter writing at Vance Birthplace.... more >>


Social Studies, ELA, Music, Dance, Art, Theater, STEM
YouTube for Distance Learning
Video in the classroom has never been better or easier. ... more >>

Nic Finelli